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Brings the history of psychology to life. Pioneers of Psychology tells the stories of the men and women who have shaped our understanding of what it means to be human. The authors illuminate major themes and controversies in psychology's history through carefully crafted stories of real people, their personal journeys, and their intellectual insights. The Fifth Edition includes three new chapters covering historiography, pre-1600 psychological ideas, and clinical psychology. Features A BIOGRAPHICAL APPROACH Pioneers of Psychology highlights the stories of individual scholars and scientists as they formulated their ideas in the context of their lives and times. These fascinating accounts let students "stand in the shoes" of influential figures, making their contributions both lively and memorable. NEW CHAPTERS MAKE PIONEERS A COMPLETE INTRODUCTION TO THE FIELD The Fifth Edition includes three new chapters. The Introduction on historiography outlines key issues and previews the pioneers and themes covered throughout the book. Chapter 1 now discusses the figures and ideas that provided psychology's first foundations, from Plato and Aristotle through the great Islamic philosophers and Thomas Aquinas. Finally, Chapter 16 tells the story of the development of one of the most important applied fields—clinical psychology. ORGANIZED AROUND QUESTIONS AND CONTROVERSIES The Fifth Edition thoroughly explores the history of psychology by framing it around enduring questions, such as whether we gain knowledge primarily through experience or through the interaction of experience with capacities given at birth; the limits and possibilities of an experimental approach to psychology; and whether clinical psychology is more art than science. THE RELEVANCE OF HISTORY TO CONTEMPORARY PSYCHOLOGY Fancher and Rutherford consistently show how history has informed and influenced various subfields of contemporary psychology. For example, Chapter 3 shows how contemporary questions in neuroscience go back over 200 years to controversies regarding the localization of functions within the brain. Chapter 6 explores how today's evolutionary psychologists continue to debate issues raised by Charles Darwin more than 150 years ago. ENHANCED COVERAGE OF WOMEN AND GENDER ISSUES The Fifth Edition offers substantial consideration of women pioneers and gender issues, such as the important intellectual friendships with prominent women that shaped the thinking of Descartes and Leibniz, Barbel Inhelder's collaboration with Piaget and her independent contributions to our understanding of cognitive development, and Lillian Gilbreth's pioneering accomplishments in industrial psychology. Table Of Contents Introduction: Studying the History of Psychology (NEW) Chapter 1 – Foundational Ideas from Antiquity (NEW) Chapter 2 – Pioneering Philosophers of Mind: Descartes, Locke, and Leibniz (Heavily Revised) Chapter 3 – Physiologists of Mind: Brain Scientists from Gall to Penfield Chapter 4 – The Sensing and Perceiving Mind: From Kant through the Gestalt Psychologists Chapter 5 – Wundt and the Establishment of Experimental Psychology Chapter 6 – The Evolving Mind: Darwin and His Psychological Legacy Chapter 7 – Measuring the Mind: Galton and Individual Differences Chapter 8 – American Pioneers: James, Hall, Calkins, and Thorndike Chapter 9 – Psychology as the Science of Behavior: Pavlov, Watson, and Skinner Chapter 10 – Social Influence and Social Psychology: From Mesmer to Milgram and Beyond Chapter 11 – Mind in Conflict: Freudian Psychoanalysis and Its Successors (Heavily Revised) Chapter 12 -– Psychology Gets "Personality": Allport, Maslow, and the Broadening Field Chapter 13 – The Developing Mind: Binet, Piaget, and the Study of Intelligence (Heavily Revised) Chapter 14 – Minds, Machines, and Cognitive Psychology (Heavily Revised) Chapter 15 – Applying Psychology: From the Witness Stand to the Workplace (Heavily Revised) Chapter 16 – The Art and Science of Clinical Psychology (NEW)