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Organized around the latest CACREP Standards, Counseling Individuals Through the Lifespan introduces readers to the fundamentals of the counseling process during each stage of human development. Topics such as the client-counselor relationship, counseling theory, research, and interventions are addressed with a focus on caring for the total person within his/her environment and culture. Emphasizing the importance of intentionality and self-reflection, the chapters include case illustrations and guided practice exercises to further the development of successful 21st century counselors. Counseling Individuals Through the Lifespan is part of the SAGE Counseling and Professional Identity Series, which targets specific competencies identified by CACREP (Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Programs). To learn more about each text in the series, please visit www.sagepub.com/cpiseries. Table Of Contents EDITORS PREFACE: INTRODUCTION TO THE SERIES PREFACE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ABOUT THE AUTHORS PART I Chapter 1: Human Development Through the Lifespan The Counseling Connection The Complexity of Human Development Life Domains of Human Development A Biopsychosocial Approach Human Development Knowledge Applied to Counseling Summary Additional Resources Recommended Supplemental Readings References Chapter 2: Theories of Human Development Theories and Theoretical Models of Human Development Cultural Diversity and Human Development Seeking the Truth: Research Methodologies Rules Governing Human Subject Research Research Contributing to a Counselor’s Identity Summary Additional Resources Recommended Supplemental Readings References PART II Chapter 3: Conception and Prenatal Development Healthy Prenatal Development Risks to Healthy Prenatal Development Counseling Issues Summary Additional Resources Recommended Supplemental Readings References Chapter 4: Infancy (Birth to 24 Months Old) Healthy Infant Development Counseling Issues Summary Additional Resources Recommended Supplemental Readings References Chapter 5: Toddlerhood (Ages 1 to 3) Healthy Toddler Development Risks to Healthy Toddler Development Counseling Issues Summary Additional Resources Recommended Supplemental Readings References Chapter 6: Preschool: Early School Age (Ages 3 to 6) Healthy Preschool Development Risks to Healthy Preschool Development Counseling Issues Summary Additional Resources Recommended Supplemental Readings References Chapter 7: Middle Childhood (Ages 6 to 12) Healthy Middle Childhood Development Cognitive Development Social Development Moral Development Emotional Development Counseling Issues Cultural Diversity Issues A Time to Wonder Summary Additional Resources Recommended Supplemental Readings References PART III Chapter 8: Early Adolescence (Ages 13 to 18) Healthy Early Adolescence Development Self-Concept and Self-Esteem in Early Adolescence Counseling Issues Current Trends Cultural Diversity Issues A Time of Storm and Stress, as Well as Wonder and Awe Summary Additional Resources Recommended Supplemental Readings References Chapter 9: Late Adolescence (Ages 19 to 25) Healthy Later Adolescence Development Emotional and Social Development Alcohol and Drug Use: A Particular Challenge College: A Unique Arena for Emerging Adulthood Graduates: Returning Home after College and Choosing Not to Go to College Counseling Issues Cultural Diversity Issues Summary Additional Resources Recommended Supplemental Readings References Chapter 10: Early Adulthood (Ages 26 to 35) Healthy Early Adulthood Development Risks to Healthy Early Adulthood Development Counseling Issues Summary Additional Resources References Chapter 11: Middle Adulthood (Ages 36 to 60) A Period of Recent Recognition Changes in Middle Adulthood Midlife Crisis or Midlife Transition Generativity Versus Stagnation Person-Environment, Culture Interaction and, Socio-Economic Status Counseling Issues Summary Additional Resources Recommended Supplemental Readings References PART IV Chapter 12: Late Adulthood (Ages 61 to 75) Responding to the Counseling Needs of a Growing Aging Population The Aging Process Aging: A Natural Transition and a Factor in Counseling Counseling Clients in Late Adulthood Summary Additional Resources Recommended Supplemental Readings References Chapter 13: Oldest-Old Elderhood (Ages 75 and Over) Understanding Quality of Life and Life Satisfaction in Old Age Adjustment to Advanced Aging Emotional Impact of Chronic Illness and Disability Psychosocial Crisis Gerontological Counseling Expertise Cultural Competence Summary Additional Resources Recommended Supplemental Readings References Other Materials Epilogue: From the Author’s Chair Matrix of Core Curricular Experiences Glossary Index