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Introduction to Educational Research guides readers through the various steps of the research methods process to help plan and compose their first educational research project. Through comprehensive chapter content and in-text exercises, readers learn how to prepare a research plan, gather and analyze data, address research questions and hypotheses, and organize reports of their projects. The book is practical and student-friendly; Dr. Craig A. Mertler uses a conversational writing style with non-technical language to help students clearly understand and apply research concepts with no prior familiarity with the principles, procedures, or terminology. Table Of Contents PART I: INITIAL RESEARCH CONSIDERATIONS Chapter 1: What is Educational Research? Finding Answers to Questions The Scientific Method Educational Research—What It Is and What It Is Not Educational Research as a Process Knowing Your Specific Discipline Educators as Researchers Chapter 2: Overview of the Educational Research Process Identifying and Limiting a Research Topic or Problem Formally Stating and Refining Research Question(s) Reviewing Existing Literature Related to the Problem Writing a Literature Review Developing a Research Plan Implementing the Research Plan and Collecting Data Analyzing the Data Stating Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations in a Written Research Report The Educational Research Process—A Brief Example Chapter 3: Identifying a Research Problem Identifying a Research Topic or Problem Necessary Terminology Related to Research Research Questions and Hypotheses Chapter 4: Ethics in Educational Research Ethical Considerations in the Conduct of Research Ethics in Qualitative versus Quantitative Studies Institutional Review Boards Formal Preparation for Research with Human Participants Chapter 5: Reviewing Related Research Literature What is a Literature Review? Sources for Literature Related to Your Research Topic Searching the ERIC Online Database Searching the Google Scholar Online Database Writing Your Literature Review Not Just for Conducting Research—Valuable Sources for Professional Development PART II: DESIGNING A RESEARCH STUDY Chapter 6: Qualitative Research Methods Characteristics of Qualitative Research The Qualitative Research Process Approaches to Conducting Qualitative Research More About Ethnographic Research More About Narrative Research Chapter 7: Quantitative Research Methods Characteristics of Quantitative Research The Quantitative Research Process Approaches to Conducting Quantitative Research Threats to Validity in Quantitative Designs Chapter 8: Mixed-Methods Research Characteristics of Mixed-Methods Research The Mixed-Methods Research Process Approaches to Conducting Mixed-Methods Research Validity in Mixed-Methods Research Strengths and Limitations of Mixed-Methods Research Chapter 9: Action Research Characteristics of Action Research The Action Research Process Action Planning and Reflection Validity in Action Research Strengths and Limitations of Action Research Chapter 10: Writing a Research Proposal Purpose of a Research Proposal General Aspects of a Research Proposal Components of a Quantitative Research Proposal Components of a Qualitative Research Proposal PART III: COLLECTING AND ANALYZING DATA Chapter 11: Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis Sampling Techniques in Qualitative Research Research Ethics in Qualitative Research Qualitative Data Collection Techniques Characteristics of Qualitative Data: Accuracy, Credibility, and Dependability Qualitative Data Analysis Techniques Chapter 12: Quantitative Data Collection Sampling Techniques in Quantitative Research Research Ethics in Quantitative Research Scales of Measurement Quantitative Data Collection Techniques Characteristics of Quantitative Data: Validity and Reliability Quantitative Data Analysis Techniques Chapter 13: Quantitative Data Analysis Quantitative Data Analysis Techniques Preparing Data for Analysis Selecting a Statistical Analysis Software Program Descriptive Statistical Analysis Inferential Statistical Analysis Cautions In Using Statistics PART IV: THE RESEARCH REPORT Chapter 14: Writing a Final Research Report Importance of the Audience General Guidelines for Writing a Research Report Practical Guidelines for Writing An Example of a Research Report