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This bestselling textbook will introduce undergraduate bioengineering students to the fundamental concepts and techniques, with the basic theme of integrative bioengineering. It covers bioengineering of several body systems, organs, tissues, and cells, integrating physiology at these levels with engineering concepts and approaches; novel developments in tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, nanoscience and nanotechnology; state-of-the-art knowledge in systems biology and bioinformatics; and socio-economic aspects of bioengineering. One of the distinctive features of the book is that it is integrative in nature (integration of biology, medicine and engineering, across different levels of the biological hierarchy, and basic knowledge with applications). It is unique in that it covers fundamental aspects of bioengineering, cutting-edge frontiers, and practical applications, as well as perspectives of bioengineering development. Furthermore, it covers important socio-economical aspects of bioengineering such as ethics and entrepreneurism. Contents: *Perspectives of Biomechanics (Y-C B Fung & W Huang) *Cardiac Electromechanics in the Healthy Heart (R C P Kerckhoffs & A D McCulloch) *Cardiac Biomechanics and Disease (J H Omens) *Bioengineering Solution for the Treatment of Heart Failure (J T Watson & S Chien) *Molecular Basis of Modulation of Vascular Functions by Mechanical Forces (S Chien) *Autoregulation of Blood Flow: Examining the Process of Scientific Discovery (P C Johnson) *Molecular Basis of Cell and Membrane Mechanics (L A Sung) *Cell Activation in the Circulation: The Auto-Digestion Hypothesis (G W Schmid-Sch霵bein) *Blood Substitutes and the Design of Oxygen Non-Carrying and Carrying Fluids (M Intaglietta) *Analysis of Human Pulmonary Circulation: A Bioengineering Approach (W Huang et al.) *Pulmonary Gas Exchange (P D Wagner) *Engineering Approaches to Understanding the Kidney (S C Thomson) *Skeletal Muscle Tissue Bioengineering (R L Lieber & S R Ward) *Multi-Scale Biomechanics of Articular Cartilage (W C Bae & R L Sah) *Design and Development of an In Vivo Force-Sensing Knee Prosthesis (D D Dima & P C Y Chen) *The Implantable Glucose Sensor in Diabetes: A Bioengineering Case Study (D A Gough) *Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine (S Chien & L S B Goldstein) *Engineering Compounds Targeted to Vascular Zip Codes (E Ruoslahti) *The Structure of the Central Nervous System and Nanoengineering Approaches for Studying and Repairing It (G A Silva) *Cellular Biophotonics: Laser Scissors (Ablation) (M W Berns) *Microelectronic Arrays: Applications from DNA Hybridization Diagnostics to Directed Self-Assembly Nanofabrication (M J Heller & D Dehlinger) *Systems Biology: A Four-Step Process (J L Reed & B O Palsson) *Bioinformatics and Systems Biology: Obtaining the Design Principles of Living Systems (S Subramaniam) *Synthetic Biology: Bioengineering at the Genomic Level (N Ostroff et al.) *Network Genomics (T Ideker) *Genomes, Genomic Technologies and Medicine (X Huang) *Ethics for Bioengineers (M Kalichman) *Opportunities and Challenges in Bioengineering Entrepreneurship (J-S Lee) *How to Move Medical Devices from Bench to Bedside (P Citron) Table Of Contents Contributors ix Preface xvii Acknowledgments xix SECTION I: INTRODUCTORY CHAPTERS Chapter 1: Overview 3 Shu Chien Chapter 2: Perspectives of Biomechanics 13 Yuan-Cheng B. Fung and Wei Huang SECTION II: CARDIOVASCULAR BIOENGINEERING Chapter 3: Cardiac Electromechanics in the Healthy Heart 37 Roy C. P. Kerckhoffs and Andrew D. McCulloch Chapter 4: Cardiac Biomechanics and Disease 53 Jeffrey H. Omens Chapter 5: Bioengineering Solutions for the Treatment of Heart Failure 69 John T. Watson and Shu Chien Chapter 6: Molecular Basis of Modulation of Vascular Functions by 79 Mechanical Forces Shu Chien Chapter 7: Autoregulation of Blood Flow: Examining the Process of 99 Scientific Discovery Paul C. Johnson SECTION III: BLOOD CELL BIOENGINEERING Chapter 8: Molecular Basis of Cell and Membrane Mechanics 117 Lanping Amy Sung Chapter 9: Cell Activation in the Circulation: The Auto-Digestion 131 Hypothesis Geert W. Schmid-Schonbein v Chapter 10: Blood Substitutes and the Design of Oxygen Non-Carrying 149 and Carrying Fluids Marcos Intaglietta SECTION IV: RESPIRATORY-RENAL BIOENGINEERING Chapter 11: Analysis of Human Pulmonary Circulation: 163 A Bioengineering Approach Wei Huang, Michael R. T. Yen and Qinlian Zhou Chapter 12: Pulmonary Gas Exchange 181 Peter D. Wagner Chapter 13: Engineering Approaches to Understanding the Kidney 209 Scott C. Thomson SECTION V: TISSUE ENGINEERING AND REGENERATIVE MEDICINE Chapter 14: Skeletal Muscle Tissue Bioengineering 225 Richard L. Lieber and Samuel R. Ward Chapter 15: Multi-Scale Biomechanics of Articular Cartilage 243 Won C. Bae and Robert L. Sah Chapter 16: Design and Development of an In Vivo Force-Sensing 261 Knee Prosthesis Darryl D. D’Lima and Peter C. Y. Chen Chapter 17: The Implantable Glucose Sensor in Diabetes: 279 A Bioengineering Case Study David A. Gough Chapter 18: Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine 291 Shu Chien and Lawrence S. B. Goldstein SECTION VI: NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY Chapter 19: Engineering Compounds Targeted to Vascular 313 Zip Codes Erkki Ruoslahti vi Contents Chapter 20: The Structure of the Central Nervous System and 327 Nanoengineering Approaches for Studying and Repairing It Gabriel A. Silva Chapter 21: Cellular Biophotonics: Laser Scissors (Ablation) 353 Michael W. Berns Chapter 22: Microelectronic Arrays: Applications from DNA Hybridization 369 Diagnostics to Directed Self-Assembly Nanofabrication Michael J. Heller and Dietrich Dehlinger SECTION VII: GENOMIC ENGINEERING AND SYSTEMS BIOLOGY Chapter 23: Systems Biology: A Four-Step Process 387 Jennifer L. Reed and Bernhard O. Palsson Chapter 24: Bioinformatics and Systems Biology: Obtaining the Design 401 Principles of Living Systems Shankar Subramaniam Chapter 25: Synthetic Biology: Bioengineering at the Genomic Level 427 Natalie Ostroff, Mike Ferry, Scott Cookson, Tracy Johnson and Jeff Hasty Chapter 26: Network Genomics 453 Trey Ideker Chapter 27: Genomes, Genomic Technologies and Medicine 473 Xiaohua Huang SECTION VIII: SOCIO-ECONOMICALASPECTS OF BIOENGINEERING Chapter 28: Ethics for Bioengineers 489 Michael Kalichman Chapter 29: Opportunities and Challenges in Bioengineering 507 Entrepreneurship Jen-Shih Lee Chapter 30: How to Move Medical Devices from Bench to Bedside 521 Paul Citron Index 533