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Description A majority of people now have a digital mobile device whether it be a cell phone, laptop, or blackberry. Now that we have the mobility we want it to be more versatile and dependable; RF power amplifiers accomplish just that. These amplifiers take a small input and make it stronger and larger creating a wider area of use with a more robust signal. Switching mode RF amplifiers have been theoretically possible for decades, but were largely impractical because they distort analog signals until they are unrecognizable. However, distortion is not an issue with digital signals?like those used by WLANs and digital cell phones?and switching mode RF amplifiers have become a hot area of RF/wireless design. This book explores both the theory behind switching mode RF amplifiers and design techniques for them. Contents Preface 1. Power Amplifier Design Principles 1.1. Spectral and time domain analyses 1.2. Basic classes of operation: A, AB, B, C 1.3. High frequency conduction angle 1.4. Active device models 1.5. Push-pull power amplifiers 1.6. Gain and stability 1.7. Effect of collector capacitance 1.8. Parametric oscillations References 2. Class D power amplifiers 2.1. Switched-mode power amplifiers with resistive load 2.2. Complementary voltage-switching configuration 2.3. Transformer-coupled voltage-switching configuration 2.4. Symmetrical current-switching configuration 2.5. Transformer-coupled current-switching configuration 2.6. Voltage-switching configuration with reactive load 2.7. Drive and transition time 2.8. Practical Class D power amplifier implementation References 3. Class F power amplifiers 3.1. Biharmonic operation mode 3.2. Idealized Class F mode 3.3. Class F with maximally flat waveforms 3.4. Class F with quarterwave transmission line 3.5. Effect of saturation resistance and shunt capacitance 3.6. Load networks with lumped elements 3.7. Load networks with transmission lines 3.8. LDMOSFET power amplifier design examples 3.9. Practical RF and microwave Class F power amplifiers References 4. Inverse Class F mode 4.1. Biharmonic operation mode 4.2. Idealized inverse Class F mode 4.3. Inverse Class F with quarterwave transmission line 4.4. Load networks with lumped elements 4.5. Load networks with transmission lines 4.6. LDMOSFET power amplifier design example 4.7. Practical implementation References 5. Class E with shunt capacitance 5.1. Effect of mistuned resonant circuit 5.2. Load network with shunt capacitor and series filter 5.3. Matching with standard load 5.4. Effect of saturation resistance 5.5. Driving signal and finite switching time 5.6. Effect of nonlinear shunt capacitance 5.7. Push-pull operation mode 5.8. Load network with transmission lines 5.9. Practical RF and microwave Class E power amplifiers References 6. Class E with finite dc-feed inductance 6.1. Class E with one capacitor and one inductor 6.2. Generalized Class E load network with finite dc-feed inductance 6.3. Sub-harmonic Class E 6.4. Parallel-circuit Class E 6.5. Even-harmonic Class E 6.6. Effect of bondwire inductance 6.7. Load network with transmission lines 6.8. Broadband Class E 6.9. Power gain 6.10. CMOS Class E power amplifiers References 7. Class E with quarterwave transmission line 7.1. Load network with parallel quarterwave line 7.2. Optimum load network parameters 7.3. Load network with zero series reactance 7.4. Matching circuit with lumped elements 7.5. Matching circuit with transmission lines 7.6. Load network with series quarterwave line and shunt filter References 8. Alternative and mixed-mode high efficiency power amplifiers 8.1. Class D/E power amplifier 8.2. Class E/F power amplifiers 8.3. Biharmonic Class EM power amplifier 8.4. Inverse Class E power amplifiers 8.5. Harmonic-control design technique References 9. Computer-aided design of switching-mode power amplifiers 9.1. Basic principles and limitations 9.2. HEPA Plus CAD program 9.3. Effect of load-impedance variation with frequency 9.4. HEPA Plus CAD examples for Class D and E 9.5. Class E power amplifier design using SPICE 9.6. ADS circuit simulator and its applicability 9.7. ADS CAD design examples for Class E power amplifiers References Index